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International Excellence Scholarship

Application details

We offer a range of generous scholarships worth up to £4,000 per year, as a tuition fee discount, to high achieving postgraduate (Master's) international students.

They are available for courses with January or September entry. They are worth the following:

  • £4,000 scholarships (1 year)
  • £2,500 scholarships (1 year)
  • £1,000 scholarships (1 year)

Further Information

This award cannot be combined with any other Roehampton scholarship or discount. If you are eligible for two scholarships or discounts, we will award you the one of the highest value.

* Available to students from outside the UK who have overseas fee status.

The University of Roehampton has sole discretion to assign, vary or withdraw this award.

Award level


Awarding body

University of Roehampton

Award Value

Scholarships value: £4000 scholarships (1 year); £2500 scholarships (1 year); £1000 scholarships (1 year).

Award type

Academic excellence

Number of awards

All eligible students

Gender eligibility


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