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Southampton Business School MBA Excellence International Scholarship

Application details

We will only consider applicants who have an offer to study at Southampton University. 

You must: 

  • need to pay the overseas tuition fee 
  • be paying your fees yourself 
  • not have any external sponsorship 
  • have a conditional or unconditional offer to study on the Master of Business Administration (MBA)

This is a competitive process and not all applicants will be successful.   

Applicants must interview to compete for the scholarship. Their business excellence will be assessed using the following criteria:   

  • a high degree of relevant professional experience in management and/or leadership  
  • evidence of rapid career progression 
  • clear ability to contribute to the quality of the MBA cohort 
  • strong academic ability and performance 
  • excellent performance at interview 

The scholarship award is made at the discretion of the Business School. Their decisions are final.

Award level


Awarding body

University of Southampton

Subject area


Award type

Mature students

Gender eligibility


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