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Southampton Business School Future Leader MBA Scholarship

Application details

These scholarships of £12,000 are available to students studying for the Master of Business Administration (MBA).

One scholarship is available for a student from each of the following regions:

South East Asia

The Middle East and North Africa

Central and Latin America

North America



We will only consider applicants who have an offer to study at University of Southampton.

You must:

have been ordinarily resident in either South East Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Central America, Latin America, North America or Europe during the 3 years before the start of the course (ignoring time spent while studying outside your usual country of residence)

show promise as a future leader by demonstrating business excellence

have a conditional or unconditional offer to study on the Master of Business Administration (MBA)

be paying your own fees

need to pay the overseas tuition fee

not be getting any external sponsorship

Award level


Awarding body

University of Southampton

Subject area


Award type

Mature students

Number of awards


Gender eligibility


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