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Law Humanitarian Scholarship

Application details

The Law Humanitarian Scholarship is open to support people living outside the UK who have recognised status as refugees or are under humanitarian protection as per the 1951 Refugee Convention. The award covers full tuition fees, visas, and support for accommodation and living expenses.

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants for this scholarship must:

  • Be able to evidence their Refugee Status, or Humanitarian Protection as recognised by the 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees.
  • Have applied to study one of our postgraduate LLM courses.


  • This scholarship will provide a full fee waiver for the year long programme as well as accommodation costs and a stipend to support living costs up to the value of £16,062.00.
  • Scholars benefitting from this scholarship will also be supported during their time at Liverpool, including language support and visa applications.
  • We cannot provide financial or administrative support for family members.

Award level


Awarding body

University of Liverpool

Subject area


Award type

Mature students

Gender eligibility


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