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Alumni Postgraduate Scholarship

Application details

You may be eligible for the award if you have an undergraduate degree from a previous and separate programme at the University of Hull (includes ‘top-up’ degree awards and validated degrees), or if you are an exchange student wishing to continue your studies in the 2024/25 academic year. York-registered MBBS students are also eligible for the Alumni Postgraduate Scholarship if they wish to continue on to an eligible University of Hull taught postgraduate course.

The award is available for University of Hull postgraduate taught master's degree programmes, for example MA or MSc qualifications (excludes postgraduate certificates/diplomas, PGCE, pre-registration healthcare courses such as MSc Midwifery and MSc Nutrition and Dietetics, MBA, and Masters Foundation programmes). Students undertaking research programmes are not eligible.

Award level


Awarding body

University of Hull

Subject area

MBA,Sport, Leisure, Hospitality and Tourism

Award type

Mature students

Gender eligibility


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