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The Norah Simpson Scholarship

Application details

The Norah Simpson scholarship is to support a home (UK) postgraduate student with the finances required to study. Applicants can have applied to study on any PGT course at UEA but candidates must have a demonstrable interest in the study of water; through science, business or professional interest. Applicants who hold any grade of membership of the Institute of Water will be prioritised.

The student can choose to receive their funding as a tuition fee contribution or a maintenance grant.

The successful recipient should expect to meet with members of Anglian Water as part of the mentoring aspect of this scholarship.

Academic Excellence

Demonstrate academic excellence and a passion for the study of water.

Further Criteria

Demonstrate a passion for the study of water.

Restrictions with other Scholarships

Cannot be in receipt of any other donor-funded scholarships

Award level


Awarding body

University of East Anglia UEA

Subject area

Sciences: Pure and Applied,Engineering,Business, Management and Marketing

Award type

Academic excellence

Gender eligibility


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