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The Edward and Ivy Rose Hood Postgraduate Scholarship in Engineering and Computing Sciences

Application details

The Edward and Ivy Rose Hood Memorial Scholarship Programme in Engineering and Computing Sciences is available to home applicants (UK Students) who have applied for a place on any full-time, 1-year Postgraduate course in the School of Engineering or the School of Computing Sciences 2024-25.

Preference will be given to applicants who can demonstrate financial need. Students can choose to receive the funding as a maintenance grant or a tuition fee contribution.

Applicants must have a substantial Suffolk connection. Substantial Suffolk connection means someone who:

(a) was born in Suffolk;

(b) currently lives in Suffolk, or has previously lived in Suffolk for a continuous period of at least 1 year;

(c) currently works, volunteers or studies in Suffolk, or has previously worked, volunteered or studied in Suffolk for a continuous period of at least 1 year; or

(d) such other persons as Suffolk Community Foundation and UEA may agree from time to time.

A scholarship application is required. Students must demonstrate their academic potential for meeting course requirements.

Award level


Awarding body

University of East Anglia UEA

Subject area

Engineering,Computing, Maths and IT

Award type

Academic excellence

Number of awards


Gender eligibility


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