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Full time


1 year

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Key information

Qualification type

MSc - Master of Science

Subject areas

Finance / Accounting (General)

Course type


Course Summary

Develop in-depth knowledge of finance theory and learn to apply it in practice. Graduate prepared for a career in finance.

Receive a theoretical foundation in finance. You’ll learn to analyse financial decisions and the motivations behind them, and how to apply this knowledge in the real world. Our emphasis on technical and practical skills means you will graduate prepared for a finance career.

You'll work with and learn from industry experts. This makes sure you'll explore the most topical issues in finance practice.

Key benefits

  • Get an advantage in the job market by developing the skills employers want
  • Learn the key contemporary issues in finance practice
  • Make the course your own. Customise the degree to suit your strengths and ambitions by choosing five optional units from a range of topics.
  • Apply academic theory to a practical issue with an optional dissertation alternative. You'll get valuable experience working on a real-life problem.


Develop your understanding of how to apply recent technological innovations in the finance sector and their implications for financial services. You'll explore topics like: artificial intelligence; machine learning; distributed ledger technology.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

2:1 or above (or its international equivalent) undergraduate degree. Your degree can be in any discipline but you must have studied a subject with quantitative content.

University information

The University of Bath is one of the UK’s most prestigious institutions, known for excellence in teaching and research, a welcoming community, and for providing students with outstanding preparation for the workplace or enterprise. Bath’s inclusive learning community comprises students representing more than 100 countries worldwide. There are over 19,000 students in total, of which 5,000 are postgraduates and around a third are international...more

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