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Chartered Banker (MBA)

Different course options

Study mode

Distance without attendance


1 year

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Subject areas


Course type


Course Summary

About This Course

The Chartered Banker MBA is the only qualification in the world where you can simultaneously obtain an MBA together with the prestigious Chartered Banker status. The programme was designed for the busy financial services professional and is exclusively offered on a part time basis.

Candidates are assessed on an individual basis.


The purpose of this module is to enable students 1. To introduce the concept of markets, opportunity costs and managerial issues for the organisation, including fixed costs and elasticity. 2. Develop critical students? understanding of the theories and concepts that underpin managerial economics, such as economies of scale, fixed and variable costs, so that they are able to apply these to their own organisations. 3. Develop students? knowledge of, and the ability to evaluate production functions including JIT, TQM and BPR, so that they are able to apply these to their own organisations. 4. Develop students? understanding of competition policy and its effects on the organisation.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

£18,300 for full time and its guide for part time students. Accelerated Routes:£14,750,Super Accelerated Routes:£12,500,Single Module: £2,250. The above mentioned fee is for 23-24 entry. There may be a slight increase in the year 24-25.

International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

Students require a good first degree or possession of an approved professional qualification and practical experience. Candidates who do not have a formal degree or professional qualification, but who have several years of approved management experience will also be considered. Candidates may wish to submit their CV for assessment to confirm eligibility for a specific route. Applicants should have a minimum of 3 years practical experience at a relevant level.

University information

Bangor University offers an exceptional experience set amidst the captivating landscapes of North Wales, where courses spanning the arts, humanities, and sciences await. The welcoming, student-centred atmosphere in this vibrant and cultured city, combined with the university's size and friendly nature, are reasons why countless students choose to make Bangor their academic home. Bangor is known for having a relatively low cost of living, and...more

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