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Five Questions to Ask at a Postgraduate Interview



The questions you ask in your postgraduate interview can serve two purposes: Firstly, imagine what you really wanted to know, but couldn’t find the answers to on the university’s website. This will be subjective, depending on your own personal circumstances and needs. For example, if your hearing, vision or mobility impaired, you might need to know about accessibility; if you are an international student, you may want to know about opportunities to meet people from your own country or extra language support; if you are a single parent or primary carer, you may want to know about what support the university offers, be it financially or practically. The interview is a good opportunity for you to raise any concerns you have and find the answers you need to make an informed choice and ensure your studies are sustainable and successful.  

Secondly, it is an opportunity to showcase your commitment to the course, passion for your subject area and that the programme or course aligns with your goals. Therefore, asking course or programme specific questions is your chance to shine and show your dedication and enthusiasm for your subject area.  

We have narrowed it down to our top five suggestions:  

Ask about course specifics 

Compare the course you are applying for with other competitor institutions and talk about what appeals to you about this one. Make it stand out from the others – pinpoint something it offers that others don’t, for example, a specific module and then enquire further about it. 

If you’re beyond master’s level, you should check out the research interests of academic staff you will be working with—come armed with relevant questions, that show them you know their work and it has inspired you to apply to that specific institution.  

Don’t be afraid to ask what lured the interviewee into the post they are in in the first place. Make a point to ask the interviewer what he or she believes is the programmes greatest asset. 

Know your field 

Read around your subject area and get to know the latest developments. 

For example, if you’re applying for a scientific course, look out for any new research and ideas or methodologies. If it's literature, discuss emerging writers in genres that interest you. If it's languages, talk about any interesting linguistic developments. 

Ask if there’s an opportunity to explore and discuss your interests during the course and how you might use them to investigate new ground. It will show an appetite for beyond what you are being taught. 

How the course benefits your career path 

You’ll no doubt be asked what you want to get out of the course and whether it’s a prelude to further study or a career. 

So, ask what support is available in the industry for your field. It’s also worth enquiring whether the course provides links to industry and whether other students have been sponsored through them. You could also find out what other sources of financial support could be available through industry. Also, what have other students gone on to do career wise?  

Teaching styles and methodologies 

Delve in beyond what’s on the website about how modules are taught. Ask about guest speakers, about opportunities for industry experience, about specialisms, innovative teaching strategies and opportunities to collaborate. 

When it comes to post-master’s level, what are the supervisory/tutorial arrangements; what are the common hurdles people find most difficult and how do they typically overcome these? Ask about the research culture in the department; the ambiance; about specific collections or equipment. 

Find out about research that interests you  

Look into the background of staff you’ll be working with. This includes any published work they have produced including research papers, books and articles in journals. Try to ask questions of interest around their work and ask about something that especially grabs you. You could even ask specific questions around what tutors are working on at the time. 

It’s also worth asking if there are any opportunities to invigilate, take seminars or teach, especially if you are looking at a career in academia. Do faculty members regularly publish with PhD students? – this could provide an opportunity to research with a professional scholar. 

Finally, if possible, it’s worth scheduling the interview with your first-choice institution, last. That way you will gain experience and hopefully confidence with each interview you do, allowing you to prepare what questions to ask in each one. By asking the right questions, you will leave your interviewer(s) with the right impression: a lively, intelligent, research-savvy student, with a hunger to learn and contribute actively to the department university’s scholarly culture.  

NEXT STEP: Prepare for the interview 


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