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How to Save Money for a Postgraduate Course

Postgraduate qualifications can be expensive. From tuition fees and course materials to rent and food, alongside constant rises in the cost of living, further education is not a cheap endeavour. There are funding options available to postgraduate students, but even after exhausting these options, you may well find that you need to find ways to save some cash. To help, we’ve put together this list of easy ways to save money as a postgraduate student. 

Find people who have done your course before 

Books for postgraduate courses can quickly drain your bank account, so it’s always worth asking around to see if anyone already owns the books you want. Ask if they’re willing to lend them to you, or at least sell them to you cheaper than you can find them brand new. 

Previous students will also be able to tell you the books your course syllabus says you need but don’t – there’s always at least one you never have to read. They may even pass on other tips about how to save money on course materials too. 

Suggest nights in 

The key to this is timing. Before anyone can suggest a pub crawl or something expensive, ask your friends if they’d like to have a night in. Even if you cook a meal and have a few drinks, it’ll still be cheaper. 

Saying that, you don’t want to be cooped up at home all the time, so it’s also worth checking out free events in your area during the week too.  

Vouchers and loyalty cards 

Some sites primarily exist to give you discount codes for items, so if you’re shopping somewhere in particular, it’s always worth having a quick Google to see if there are any discount codes or vouchers available. 

Many shops will also offer free loyalty cards, which are also worth investigating. Even if it means having a free burrito once every six months, it’s still one less thing to spend your money on. 

Bulk buy and make 

Food is cheaper if you buy it in bulk, and with hefty helpings you can cook meals in bulk to freeze and eat on another day – so you save money and time! Obviously, it’s worth bulk buying things that take ages to go off, like tinned vegetables and shelf staples, rather than fresh fruit and veg which could just end up rotting in your fridge. 

Look at your direct debits 

Got a gym membership but haven’t gone in over a year? Got four different types of TV subscription memberships? It’s always worth having a monthly look at your direct debits to see if you’ve paying for something which you don’t use or want. 

Second hand everything 

For things that you need, it’s always worth trying to see if it’s available second hand. Charity shops and sites where people are getting rid of things can be goldmines, especially when it comes to non-essentials like books, DVDs and furniture. 

Compare prices constantly 

When it comes to certain items like insurance, your car, and even your phone bill, never assume you’re getting the best deal. Price comparison websites exist for this very reason, so take your time and shop around before parting with your cash. 

Next: Read more about postgraduate funding


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