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Similarities Between Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses

While there are many differences between taking an undergraduate and a postgraduate degree, including workload, degree options and learning styles, there are also a selection of similarities too. Some things just never change. When you’re studying a postgraduate course, you’re likely to come across at least a handful of these situations and find them ever so familiar... 

Go to: See five differences between an undergraduate and a postgraduate course

Money issues 

Unless you win the lottery before you start your postgraduate programme, you’ll probably face similar money situations as you did as an undergraduate, and budgeting will still be a vital way of life. 

And while you’ve probably better at managing money now, and less likely to spend your last tenner on a fancy dress outfit, you’ll still have to spend money on things you need rather than extravagances you want. 

Go to: See our Ultimate Guide to Postgraduate Funding


For some reason that no one can ever really explain, you’ll always encounter the same personalities at every university, whether you’re an undergraduate or a postgraduate. 

So even though you’re doing a master’s now, you’ll still bump into the person who leaves everything to the last minute, the friend who seems to pass everything without doing the work, and the shy student who you only ever see scuttling amongst the library shadows.  


One thing that will never go away is deadlines. Even if you approach every module with the best of intentions and plenty of preparation, running behind on your essays can still happen. 

That’s right, there’s still a chance that you’ll end up having to do the odd late night study session during your postgrad. Don’t beat yourself up too much if it ends up happening, because we’re certain countless other postgraduate students have ended up in the same boat. 


With everything from your studies to revision, society roles to your general social life and more, all which needs be done at the same time with the same amount of passion and commitment, being a postgraduate will keep you busy.  

Try to keep the multitasking skills you picked up and honed as an undergraduate, as you’ll still be juggling different subjects, studying several books at once and hopefully having a social life too. 


You’ll still most likely be living in a house or flat with other students.  After all it’s cheaper, probably close to the university and generally quite fun. 

Now you’re a postgrad, you’ll be better at dealing with dodgy landlords and will be able to spot an awful house from a mile off. This means that you hopefully end up living in a house with more windows and fewer broken taps. 

Help from the university 

Your university is still there for you. Whether you’re struggling with your course, need help finding something on campus, don’t feel happy about a lecturer or are just feeling a little overwhelmed and need to chat, there’s always someone you can talk to at your university. 

Next: Read more postgraduate life advice


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