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Showing 1-10 of 81 results



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The Fulbright-University of Roehampton Scholar Award

Award Criteria:

Mature students

Award info:

US citizen in support of research and/or teaching/lecturing in any subject, at any of (or a...

LSHTM Next Generation Scholars

Award Criteria:

Mature students

Award info:

This scholarship is open to applicants intending to study on a one-year, full-time, London-based...

Commonwealth Scholarships

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

Applicant eligibility

To be considered for these scholarships, applicants...

Commonwealth Master's Scholarships

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

To apply for this scholarship you must: be a British Protected Person, a citizen of, or a...

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

This scholarship is for study on specific courses across a range of subject areas. The list of...

Commonwealth Shared Scholarships

Award Criteria:

Mature students

Award info:

The Shared Scholarship Scheme is a joint initiative between the Commonwealth Scholarship...

Hodgson Law Scholarship

University of Liverpool

Award value:

Fees coverage : 100% coverage

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

Applicants must have completed or be in the final year of completion of a Bachelor's Degree or...

Chevening Scholarships

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you must:

  • Be a citizen of a...

British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM

Award Criteria:

Mature students

Award info:

We are looking for applicants who:

are a woman (cis-gendered or trans) or identify as...

British Chevening Scholarships

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

Chevening is the UK Government’s international awards scheme aimed at developing global leaders....

Showing 1-10 of 81 results