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King'sCollege London University of London
King's College London, University of London

Masters degree Health Promotion Courses at King's College London, University of London

3 courses available


Master of Science in International Addiction Studies (IPAS) MSc

The Master of Science in International Addiction Studies (IPAS) course offers students crosscultural exposure to critical prevention and Read more...

  • 1 year Distance without attendance degree
  • 2 years Distance without attendance degree

Clinical Education MA

The Masters in Clinical Education provides a flexible framework for pursuing your professional development as an educator in the health Read more...

  • 3 years Part time degree: £4,156 per year (UK)
  • 3 years Part time degree: £4,156 per year (UK)

Public Health MPH

The Master of Public Health (MPH) course is a multidisciplinary course of study that aims to provide graduates and holders of relevant Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £12,468 per year (UK)