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Postgraduate Nursing in Cambridge

4 degrees at 3 universities in Cambridge.


PG Dip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting or School Nursing)


Take your nursing or midwifery qualifications a step further by learning to provide support for children and families at household, Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree
  • 1 year Full time degree

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (PHEM)


The Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine) is aimed at clinicians currently employed in Read more...

  • 9 months Online/Distance degree: £5,950 per year (UK)

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (PHEM)


The Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice (Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine) is a University of Cambridge award offered by Read more...

  • 9 months Online/Distance degree: £5,667 per year (UK)

Mental Health MSc


One in four people will experience a mental health problem during their lifetime. Affecting people from all walks of life, its impact is Read more...

  • 2 years Distance without attendance degree: £4,650 per year (UK)
  • 1 year Full time degree: £9,300 per year (UK)
  • 2 years Part time degree: £4,650 per year (UK)



  • Cambridge
  • Eastern England
  • England