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Problem Awareness and Counselling

Masters Degrees in Problem Awareness and Counselling

3 degrees at 1 university in the UK.


MPhil by Research (School of Health Sciences)


RGU is committed to high quality, interdisciplinary, and internationally recognised research that impacts real-world challenges. Our Read more...

  • 18 months Full time degree
  • 30 months Part time degree

MRes (School of Health Sciences)


RGU is committed to high quality, interdisciplinary, and internationally recognised research that impacts real-world challenges. Our Read more...

  • 12 months Full time degree
  • 21 months Part time degree

MSc by Research (School of Health Sciences)


RGU is committed to high quality, interdisciplinary, and internationally recognised research that impacts real-world challenges. Our Read more...

  • 12 months Full time degree
  • 21 months Part time degree