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Middlesex University

Postgraduate Cardiology Courses at Middlesex University

1 course available

Next open day: 18th June

About Postgraduate Cardiology

Cardiology is a specialist medical field that focuses exclusively on the heart and blood vessels. Researchers and practitioners work to detect, diagnose and treat abnormalities, conditions and diseases of the heart. As heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the UK, cardiology is an increasingly important field that requires comprehensive training.

Postgraduates in cardiology will build on their existing medical training, and may specialise in areas like surgery, stroke treatment or cardiorespiratory practice. Working in hospitals and medical research settings is common.

There are over 12 degrees to choose from at more than eight universities in the UK from postgraduate certificates to MSc and MRes degree pathways.

What to expect

Postgraduate courses in this area are usually designed for medical professionals wanting to specialise, so you will often need a health care degree and be working in a medical setting already. You will usually need to undertake a practical placement at your existing place of work with their support.

While the exact content will vary from uni to uni and course level, typical areas covered include acute cardiology principles and practice, fundamentals of cardiac diagnosis, invasive and interventional cardiology, research methods, leadership in clinical services and quality and safety in clinical services.

By completing a postgraduate qualification, you’ll advance your career in this field by extending your knowledge and skills. It will also give you the opportunity to work with experienced cardiologists whilst studying which could help build your professional networks.

Showing 1-1 of 1 results

Cardiology MSc/PGDip

Cardiac physiologists record and analyse physiological data to diagnose and treat cardiac disease. They play an essential role in Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £10,500 per year (UK)
  • 2 years Part time degree: £5,250 per year (UK)