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Bangor University

PhD degree at Bangor University

52 courses available

Next open day: 13th November

Archaeology PhD

Research Areas Archaeology with specialisations in Prehistoric landscape archaeology The Iron Age Celtic societies Early medieval Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 4 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Ageing and Dementia Studies Mphil

The MPhil programme will provide a dedicated route for high calibre students who (may have a specific research aim in mind and) are ready Read more...

  • 2 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 4 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Social Policy Sociology PhD

The School of Social Sciences provides a stimulating and supportive environment for postgraduate training. The emphasis is on small Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Soil and Environmental Science PhD

Environmental and Soil Science with specialisations in Sustainable rural, peri-urban and urban environments Climate Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Psychology PhD

The School of Psychology at Bangor University offers modern undergraduate degree programmes that are fully BPS accredited and a suite of Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Welsh Literature (Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg) PhD

It it is entirely possible to study with us through the medium of English or Welsh. Our PhD programmes are usually 3 years of full time Read more...

  • 2 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Agriculture PhD

Research into agricultural systems and practices ranging from the science of plant and animal production to rural policy and Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Linguistics PhD

This is a research programme. You will receive research and transferable skills training from the University’s Graduate Training Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 5 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Optical Communications PhD

Optical Communications with research interests in Advanced optical communications systems for long-haul core networks Optical networking Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)

Laser Micromachining and Laboratory-on-a-Chip PhD

Laser Micromachining and Laboratory-on-a-Chip with research interests in Electronic and dielectric properties of biological Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)

Italian Studies PhD

The School of Modern Languages offers the possibility to do a PhD/MPhil in Italian Studies. The School has a long tradition of excellent Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Translation Studies PhD

The School of Modern Languages offers the possibility to do a PhD/MPhil in Translation Studies. The School has a long tradition of Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Translation Studies by Practice PhD

The School of Modern Languages offers the possibility to do a PhD/MPhil by Practice in Translation Studies (three years full-time; six Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Electrical Materials Science PhD

Electrical Materials Science with research interests in Electronic and dielectric properties of weakly conducting materials Properties Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)

English PhD

The MPhil is awarded for a dissertation of not more than 60,000 words and the PhD for a dissertation normally of not more than 100,000 Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Optoelectronics PhD

Optoelectronics research is directed at advancing design and system applications of semiconductor optoelectronic and organic Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)

German Studies PhD

We offer the possibility to do a PhD/MPhil in German Studies. Bangor University has a long tradition of excellent postgraduate student Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Organic Electronics PhD

Organic Electronincs with research interests in Synthesising new monomers and polymers for electronic device application Fabrication of Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)

Hispanic Studies PhD

The School of Modern Languages offers the possibility to do a PhD/MPhil in Hispanic, Catalan or Galician Studies. The School has a long Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

Biological Sciences PhD

The research work by the School covers the full spectrum of the biosciences. The first six months of your PhD or MPhil will be spent Read more...

  • 2 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)

1-20 of 52 courses