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Masters Degrees in Network Systems Management Software

5 degrees at 4 universities in the UK.


Software Systems Engineering MSc


Our Software Systems Engineering (SSE) MSc provides an ideal foundation for PhD study. The programme is underpinned by a Software Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £18,000 per year (UK)

Global Energy Technologies and Systems Masters/MSc


This course provides both the understanding of how energy systems are changing, and what technologies will be important in the future. A Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £11,340 per year (UK)

MSc Information Technology (Software Systems)


This programme imparts the understanding and skills to develop advanced software systems to professional standards. The programme has a Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £10,600 per year (UK)
  • 2 years Part time degree: £5,300 per year (UK)

Energy Transition Systems and Technologies, MSc (Online)


Prepare for an engineering career in the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Join the first online energy transition degree Read more...

  • 27 months Online degree: £4,767 per year (UK)

Energy Transition Systems and Technologies, MSc


The transition to cleaner, more sustainable, energy requires a fundamental restructuring of our entire energy infrastructure while ensuring Read more...

  • 12 months Full time degree: £11,100 per year (UK)
