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University of East Anglia UEA

Postgraduate Health Studies Courses at University of East Anglia UEA

4 courses available


MClinEd Clinical Education

Studying for a Master’s in Clinical Education at UEA will set you apart as a leader and educator in your field. Designed for health and Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £9,975 per year (UK)
  • 3 years Part time degree: £4,988 per year (UK)

MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Part time)

The Advanced Professional Practice programme reflects national and international benchmarks for advanced level professional practice for Read more...

  • 3 years Part time degree: £4,988 per year (UK)

MRes Postgraduate Research in Health Sciences

Staff research interests in Health Sciences include Communication and cognition; Diagnostic testing; Epidemiology of ageing; Inclusion; Read more...

  • 1 year Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 2 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)

PhD Postgraduate Research in Health Sciences

Staff research interests in Health Sciences include Communication and cognition; Diagnostic testing; Epidemiology of ageing; Inclusion; Read more...

  • 3 years Full time degree: £4,712 per year (UK)
  • 6 years Part time degree: £2,356 per year (UK)